

Article 1 Scope of application

Accommodation contracts and other related contracts entered into by the hotel with guests shall be as defined in this agreement, and matters not prescribed in this agreement shall be in accordance with laws or generally established customs.
If the hotel enters into a special agreement that does not violate laws and customs, the special agreement shall prevail, regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 2 Application for accommodation contract

Anyone who wishes to apply for an accommodation contract with the hotel must submit the following details to the hotel.

(1)Guest name
(2)Accommodation date and estimated arrival time (3) Accommodation fee (4) Customer contact information
If the guest applies for extension of stay after the staying date set forth in item 2 of the preceding paragraph, while staying at the hotel, we shall assume that an application for a new contract of stay has been made at the time the request is made.
When applying from the reservation site, you will need to use the reservation application form. In which case, if the required information is not filled in adequately or the contents are false, the reservation may be deemed invalid.

Article 3 Establishment of accommodation contract, etc.

The accommodation contract shall be deemed established when the hotel accepts the application in the preceding article. In the event that the hotel proves it does not consent the application, a contract will be deemed non established.
If an accommodation contract is established in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article, the accommodation fee for the entire accommodation period will be paid prior to the commencement of accommodation or by the due date indicated by the hotel.
次3An accommodation contract will be deemed invalid by the Hotel when one of the following items occur. The application is made despite there being no intention to actually stay.

(3-1)when the accommodation fee set forth in the preceding article cannot be paid before the commencement of accommodation or by the date indicated by the hotel as provided for in the same article 

(3-2)(3-2) When contact from our hotel is denied by the applicant.
In the event that the contract is denied on the grounds of items (3-1) and (3-2) in the previous article, we cannot refund the accommodation fee already received.

Article 4 Accommodation contract may be denied

The hotel may deny the accommodation contract in the following cases.

(1)Application for accommodation does not fall under this agreement

(2)There is no room available due to full occupancy

(3)It is recognized that a person who intends to stay may have an act that goes against the provisions of laws and regulations, public order, or good customs
(4)The person who intends to stay is a member of a gang or related group or other anti-social forces as stipulated in the Prefectural Ordinance on the Prevention of Unfair Conduct by Gangsters and the Prefectural Ordinance on Elimination of Gangsters

(5)The person who intends to stay is a corporation or other organization where gangs or gang members control business activities

(6)The person who intends to stay is a corporation, and some of its officers are gang members

(7)If the intending person is a drunken person, who is in danger of disturbing other guests or hindering the operation of this hotel, or behave in a disruptive manner
(8)When a person who intends to stay makes an intimidating unfair request such as violence, intimidation, panic, etc. to an accommodation facility or accommodation facility staff (employee), or requests a burden exceeding a reasonable range, It is recognized that the same act was done once again

(9)The person who intends to stay is clearly recognized as an infectious disease carrier

(10) In the event of natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable circumstances

(11)If the person intending to stay is deemed excessively drunk and they are of nuisance to other guests
(12)Applying for accommodation for the purpose of transferring the right to stay to another individual or party

(13)The application is made despite there being no intention to actually stay

Article 5 Guest cancellation rights

Guests can cancel the accommodation contract by applying to the hotel.

The hotel will charge a penalty as set out in Appendix 1 if the guest cancels all or part of the accommodation contract for reasons attributable to the guest.

If the guest does not arrive and it is 24:00 on the day of the stay without establishing contact (or if the estimated time of arrival is specified after 24:00), the hotel will deem the contract to have been canceled by the guest.

Article 6 Hotels right to cancel the contract

The hotel may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases.

(1)The guest uses a forged membership card or is used by someone who is not a registered member

(2)When it is recognized that the guest is likely to act against the provisions of laws and regulations, public order, or good manners regarding accommodation, or is recognized as having done the same

(3)In the event more people are staying than indicated on the contract

(4)When the guest requests services that exceed reasonable requests and are deemed a burden
(5)It is clearly recognizable that the guests carrying contagious disease
(6)In the event of natural disasters, facility failures, or other unavoidable circumstances

(7)If the person is deemed excessively drunk and they are of nuisance to other guests.

(8)A guest is a member of a gang or related group or other anti-social force as stipulated in the Act on Prevention of Unfair Conduct by Gangsters and the Prefectural Ordinance on Elimination of Gangsters

(9)Guests are corporations or other organizations where gangs or gang members control business activities

(10)The guest is a corporation and some of the officers fall under the group of gangsters
(11)The guest behaves in a manner that markedly disturbed other guests
(12)When a guest makes an intimidating unfair request such as violence, intimidation, or blackmail to the accommodation facility or accommodation facility staff (employee), or requests a service that is deemed a burden to the operation
(13)Smoking cigarettes in the bedroom, mischievous acts against firefighting equipment (deemed necessary for fire prevention), and use of other prohibited items as stipulated by the hotel

Article 7 Accommodation registration

Guests must register the following items at the front desk of the hotel on the day of accommodation.

(1)Guest name, age, gender, address and occupation
(2)For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry and date of entry
(3)Departure date and scheduled departure time
(4)Other matters deemed necessary by the hotel
If the guest intends to pay for the charges in Article 11 using a method that can be used other than currency,such as an accommodation voucher or a credit card, he / she must present them in advance during registration.

Article 8 Guest room usage time

Guests can use our hotel rooms from 15:00 pm to 10:00 am the following day.

Article 9 Compliance with usage rules

Guests must follow the rules of use as established by the hotel.

Article 10 business hours

The business hours of our hotel facilities are indicated on various brochures and within our website.

If the payment of the accommodation fee set forth in the preceding article is not fulfilled, you will not be able to execute the accommodation registration and services associated with accommodation.

After the hotel has provided the guest with a satisfactory room, the guest will be charged even if the guest does not stay.

Article 11, Fee payment

Payment of the accommodation fee, etc. in the preceding article shall be made upon arrival of the guest, when application for extension of the accommodation period is granted. Payment is accepted by the hotel using currency or other methods including a travel check, accommodation ticket, or credit card approved by the hotel. Payment is made at the front cashier.

If the payment of the accommodation fee set forth in the preceding article is not fulfilled, you will not be able to execute accommodation registration and the services associated with accommodation.
After the hotel has provided a guest with a satisfactory room, the guest will be charged even if the guest does not stay.

Article 12 Storage of guest's baggage or portable goods

If the guest's baggage (excluding cash and valuables, the same shall apply hereinafter) arrives at the hotel prior to staying, the baggage will be accepted at the hotels discretion and prior approval.

If a guest's baggage or personal belongings have been left behind at the hotel after the guest has checked out and the owner is identified, the hotel will contact the owner and give instructions to the owner and or receive instructions from the owner. In the event, if there is no instruction from the owner or if the owner is unidentified, the belongings will be stored at this hotel for a certain period from the date of discovery, and will be handled in accordance with the Lost and Found Law from that point on.

Article 13 Responsibility of guests

If the hotel suffers damage due to the guest's willfulness or negligence, the guest must compensate the hotel for the damage.

Article 14 Changes to the Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice to the customer. Please be sure to check these terms and conditions each time you use the service.

Date of notification of contract cancellation The day before In the day No stay no contact
Penalty rate for basic accommodation fee 50% 100% 100%

In order to maintain the public nature of the hotel and the safety of our guests, we ask our customers to observe the following rules based on Article 9 of the accommodation agreement. These rules are subject to change without prior notice to the customer. Please be sure to check these terms each time you use the service.

Terms and conditions

Please refrain from smoking other than in specified areas. Smoking in the cabin is strictly prohibited.

In the hotel, please do not use heating items , cooking items, irons, etc. other than those provided or loaned.
Please do not bring the following items into the hotel.

(1)Animals and other pets in general

(2)Unpleasant odors

(3)Remarkably large amount of goods

(4)Hazardous materials that are flammable
(5)Firearms, swords or weapons

(6)Other items that are recognized as goods that threaten the safety of other customers
Please use the front lobby area for meetings and consultations with non staying customers. Meetings in guest rooms are not allowed.
Please refrain from using loud voices, singing, or clatter that may disturb other guests in the hotel.
Please do not use the facilities and articles in the hotel for purposes other than they are originally intended without consulting the hotel.
Please refrain from moving various items within the facility or changing them in such a way that they no longer represent their initial purpose.
Please refrain from burning incense in the room.
We do not accept any gambling or behavioral disturbances in the hotel.

If a minor is deemed to be in need of protection, he / she may be refused accommodation.
Please refrain from distributing information or leaflets, or other advertising materials to other customers.

Please refrain from ordering food and beverages from outside the hotel, such as delivery, unless the hotel is affiliated or contracted.

Please refrain from using hair dye or bleach in the bathroom.
At the discretion and recommendations of the hotel staff regarding the items 1 to 13 above, if the guest fails to comply, we may refuse your continue of stay.
Please contact the front desk staff as soon as possible to change the number of nights you plan to stay.

Payment is made in advance at check-in.
Unless otherwise specified, the storage period for items stored in cloakrooms, laundry, etc., and forgotten items in the building will be one month from the date of receipt.

Cash during your stay, [Management of valuables] is self-managed. Please note that we are not responsible for any lost or stolen valuables.
