room 客室紹介

ROOM The Rooms

for men

for men

  • カプセルルーム
    capsule room

    Capsule rooms

    A standard men’s capsule type room. Compact and elegantly designed comfort is maintained. If you are looking for a reasonable cost effective stay this is highly recommended.

  • キャビンルーム
    cabin room

    Cabin rooms

    Men’s only rooms (not capsule style) come with elevated roof and wide open space. If your looking for room to move, this is for you!

for women

for men

  • カプセルルーム
    capsule room

    Capsule rooms

    A standard Women’s capsule type room. Compact and elegantly designed, comfort is maintained. If you are looking for a reasonable cost effective stay this is highly recommended.


    Women’s Only Floor Guide