Q&A 客室紹介

Q&A Frequently Asked Questions

  • Reservation
  • Payment
  • Accommodation
  • Necessities
  • Others
Q. What time is check in from?
Reservation from 3pm.
Q. Until what time can I check out?
Until 10am.
Q. Can I check in after 12 o’clock midnight?
Yes, please contact us.
Q. After checking in can I leave the hotel?
Yes! Please feel free to enjoy!
Q. If I arrive after my check in time is my reservation void?
No, please contact us.
Q. If I stay more than one night, do I have to check out daily?
Yes! It is essential to recheck back in.
Q. Do cancellation fees apply?
Yes. If you cancel on the day of reservation, 100% payment is required.
Q. How many rooms can I reserve on one reservation?
As many rooms that are available.
Q. Can I use credit card?
Yes, we accept credit card.
Q. Can I use electronic money?
You may settle your payment with transportation electronic money.
Q. When is payment required?
Payment is required in full at check in.
Q. Can I stay consecutive nights?
Q. If I reserve consecutive nights does my room change?
No, but please remember to check out by 10am each day.
Q. Can adults stay with their children.
Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by their parent. Children over 13 years of age are welcome but boys and girls are separate.
Q. If I stay in a group can I request adjoining rooms?
Yes, if they are available.
Q. How big are and how many capsules available?
width100cm× length105cm×depth210cm.110 mens capsules and 11 booths, and 42 women`s capsules and 1 bunk bed capsule.
Q. Are laundry facilities available?
Yes. On level one a communal coin laundry is provided. One washing machine is also available in the women only floors. (fee required)
Q. Are towels and nightwear available in the hotel?
Yes, we provide.
Q. Do you have wifi supply?
Yes, we do.
Q. Is there any electronic device charging accessory provided?
Yes, there is. A 100V outlet and a USB terminal are available.
Q. Is there a smoking room?
Yes, on level 1.
Q. Are amenities available?
Yes, daily essentials are provided.
Q. Are vending machines available?
Available only on women's floor (3rd floor).
Q. Can I leave my luggage at the hotel prior to and or after check out?
Yes, you can but please consult.
Q. What should I do with luggage that does not fit in the locker?
Storage space is provided at the front desk.
Q. Can I bring my own consumables. (food and beverage)
Yes, consumption is accepted in the cafe and lounge areas but not in the capsule.
Q. What security is provided?
Security checking system (card) is established in each area including the locker room area.